Friday, June 17, 2011

Water Density

 Our approach was simple – we added different quantities of salt to coloured water, adding small quantities of each into a clear straw, and the results were quite amazing. This provided the students with a hands on, visual representation of water density.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Easter Celebrations

Students are never too old to join in on the Easter Celebrations fun! The students enjoyed making Easter biscuits- we were hopping mad throughout Week 10. Students enjoyed eating the biscuits as well as wrapping some samples for their parents.  

End of Term Showcase

 The students worked tirelessly on all projects presented to them during Term 1. I am proud of their achievements, as I am sure all parents are too. It is always nice to celebrate by showing parents and friends all the wonderful work samples and projects in their final form.  As the year progresses, students will take on more of a leadership role in these presentations, providing further opportunities for students to exercise their oral language skills. We hope you enjoyed the camp DVD.

Peer Support

Each Monday 6B students have the opportunity to meet with their Year 2 buddies. It has been our aim to develop a true sense of friendship and peer support by providing opportunities for students to participate in a range of motivating activities focusing on the topic cooperation.  

This term we have continued to work on our participated in various ‘Getting to Know You’ activities; Mother’s Day flowers and more recently origami newspaper rubbish bins.  Students have worked well with one another. It is lovely to witness to such kindness and support. I am sure the Year 6 students gain as much from this experience as the Year 2 students.

Green Day

 Our first Green Team event this year coincided with Schools’ Clean Up Day. Every class had an allocated area inside the school to clean up under class supervision. The Year 6s cleaned up the Brown Hill Creek while other classes cleaned up the parks and footpaths close to school.  Our class was fortunate to win the competition as a side walk post was found on the banks of the creek - what a find!

Everyone wore casual clothes and something green on the day. Children also received a green cupcake made by the Green Team representatives during their recess break. Money raised by the gold coin donations is going towards assisting the Tasmanian Devils.

What is ICAS?

International Competitions and Assessments for Schools are conducted by Educational Assessment Australia, UNSW. Ten countries now participate in ICAS. In Australia and New Zealand there are over 1.7 million entries in the subject areas of:

ICAS papers assess the skills students require to address the curriculum of each of the subject areas. ICAS test items are mapped against the curriculum of every Australian state and territory, ensuring the relevance of ICAS test content. It is not compulsory that students enter the ICAS assessments, however, if you have elected to do so, I would recommend that students complete the practice assessments available online -

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Salty Science

In groups students had the opportunity to create their own saltwater tester using various household materials and a simple buzzer. The buzzer buzzed in saltwater because the saltwater acts like an invisible wire to connect the circuit. That's because when you add salt to water, the salt molecules dissolve in the water and break into smaller parts called ions. The ions carry electricity through the water. Fresh water doesn't have these ions, so it's harder for the electricity to move through the water. It doesn't complete the circuit, and the buzzer doesn't buzz.