Thursday, April 21, 2011


The strands in Numeracy have slightly changed due to the introduction of the new National Curriculum. The new strands are:

· Number and Algebra

· Statistics and Probability

· Geometry and Measurements

Our focus areas for Term 1 will be predominantly Number. Initially, students are pretested on each sub category to determine their understanding and skills in each area of learning. Results are then gathered and appropriate learning tasks can then be provided to the students. To assume that all children are at the same level of ’readiness’ in the multitude of topics covered in Numeracy, would be unreasonable.

Our approach ensures that students who require help, require consolidation or extending will have access to these opportunities. Year 6 will not only re-visit skills taught throughout their Primary Years, but it will explore new and challenging aspects of Numeracy to assist with their transition to the Middle School.

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