Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Biomes Brochures

Biomes are defined as the world's major communities, grouped according to the vegetation and organisms that live in that particular environment. Biomes have changed and moved throughout history due to human activity. Conservation and preservation of biomes should be a concern to us all. Biomes can be grouped in a variety of ways, but we have chosen to group them in the following categories:

Freshwater: Ponds and Lakes, Streams and Rivers, Wetlands

Marine: Oceans, Coral Reefs, and Estuaries

Desert: Coastal, Cold, Semi-Arid, Hot and Dry

Forest: Tropical, Temperate, Boreal

Grassland: Tropical and Temperate

Tundra: Arctic and Alpine

Students will select a biome, research it thoroughly and present the data in the form of a brochure. Categories that are being explored are vegetation, animals, location, climate/temperature, physical features, misuse and problems and strategies to conserve and preserve.

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