Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Bounce Back is a classroom resiliency and well-being program enabling students to develop personal skills that underpin resiliency after encountering problems, difficulties or down times. It is based on the principle that it is important to start as early as possible to teach children and young people to cope with life.

Well-being is a positive and sustainable condition that enables individuals, groups, communities and organisations to cope, thrive and succeed. Just like any other curriculum area, some students are further along the ‘well-being’ developmental continuum than others, and so differentiation will be a critical element to this program. It is our aim to promote well-being in our Year 6 classrooms through the exploration into the following topics:


· Why do we have feelings?

· Pleasant and enjoyable feelings

· Worry and stress

· Anger – when we feel angry

· Empathy

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