Friday, March 11, 2011

Shaking Science

Scotch is in the fortunate position to be implementing the new Australian Curriculum in Mathematics, Science and English this year. One of the main focus areas of Year 6 Science is related to Natural Disasters with an emphasis on Earthquakes.

In the early stages of the term we captured the students’ interests by determining what was known about the causes and effects of earthquakes. This was promptly followed by numerous shared experiences of how the effects, magnitude and intensity of earthquakes are measured. In the weeks to follow we will be providing many hands-on experiences that will model the changes to the Earth’s surface, which cause earthquakes.

Once our initial investigations are complete, students will investigate and compare earthquake activity in Australia and neighbouring countries as well as exploring how scientists collect information about earthquakes. To culminate the unit students will have the opportunity to represent what they know about earthquakes and to reflect on their learning during the unit.

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