Monday, September 26, 2011

Parliament House Excursion

On September 20, all three Year 6 classes went on an excursion to the Adelaide CBD. On this day the students visited the SA Art Gallery and Parliament House. This experience provided an excellent opportunity for the students to consolidate their understanding of the guided reading focus for this term on government.

The SA Art Gallery was a great way to start the day as it provided the students with a pictorial timeline of Australia and its history. Whilst visiting the different galleries the students were asked a range of questions about the different art pieces on display and sketched their favourite piece of art.

At Parliament House the students were provided with an opportunity to visit the Legislative Council Chamber and the House of Assembly. As Parliament was not sitting on this day, the students relished the opportunity to sit in the positions of Members of Parliament and ask questions. The history on display in this building was very impressive. A special thank you to the Ridgeway family for providing a BBQ and for taking the time to show the students around the building.

Overall, this was a positive day and the students are to be commended for their exemplary behaviour. 

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