Monday, September 26, 2011

Treasure Hunt

Ensuring the transition from the Junior School to the Middle School is a smooth one is important to us. Recently Year 6 students were invited to attend a Treasure Hunt with Year 8 students in the Middle School. Year 6 students made themselves at home by exploring (what will become) their new play area in 2012.

Students were provided with the Treasure Hunt instructions. A detailed explanation was given to the students to ensure they understood how to complete the Treasure Hunt activities.  Good use of technology was witnessed as students uploaded the treasure hunt details on to their iPhones.

Activities included:
·       a photography section whereby students needed to align the photos with key zones in the school and
·       crossword - relying on students’ prior understanding and research gathered by visiting various locations around the school.

Year 6 students were partnered with Year 8 students and the next hour and a half was devoted to the completion of the Treasure Hunt activities. Witnessing students cooperating with one another and discovering features about our school that were previously unknown, was wonderful to see.

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