Friday, November 11, 2011

Library - Book Reviews

In Library sessions so far this term we have discussed the purpose of different types of Reviews, and addressed the question of ‘What makes a great book review?’ After reading several examples, the Year 6s brainstormed the key elements of the reviews and worked in small groups to explore these features using the class novel, ‘Chicken Stu’. We will be using the ideas generated for one of these features to jointly construct a paragraph as a class. Each student will choose a book and plan and write their own review using a planning template and checklist. Students will publish and share their work with other students.

Cyber Safety

Cybersafety encompasses a broad range of topics.  This term, we will be covering cyberbullying, protecting personal information, digital footprints and netiquette.  Within each of the three topics, we have discussed what they are, how to keep yourself safe while online and what to do if someone contacts you inappropriately.  The information learned will be consolidated by creating a poster on a cybersafety topic of their choice.

Bouncing Back to Bullies

This term the students will be looking at two units in Health. The first will focus specifically on bullying and focus on the following:
  •   Types of bullying and the impact on individuals.
  •  Put downs are unacceptable
  • Students who bully and their future.
  • Responding to bullying and working together to stop such behaviours in our school.
  •  Bullying, sport and law
  • Scotch Colleges response to bullying

In the final weeks of the term the students will also be identifying their strengths as individuals and qualities that they bring to large and small groups. The strengths the students identify will then be linked to the character strengths presented by Professor Martin Seligman and Chris Peterson. The Year 6 students will further investigate these character strengths next year in the Middle School.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


On Wednesday, 9 November, from 8.30am-11.30am all students ventured to the Middle School to participate in the annual fundraising walkathon.  Students participated in a 7 kilometre route through the Brownhill Creek environment.  Every kilometre students travelled has assisted a child in great need.  An invigorating experience was had by all.

Electrical Science

The New National Curriculum has presented some exciting and new concepts to be delivered to year 6 students.  This term we will be exploring the use of electricity, creating a timeline of electrical devices, constructing an electrical circuit, discovering a range of conductors and insulators, investigating static electric and recordig our findings in a science report.

Dance Classes

Students in Year 6 have the opportunity to take part in five hour-long dance lessons in preparation for the end of year social.  A range of dance techniques and styles are introduced to the students beginning with Hip Hop.

Hip Hop includes a wide range of styles notably breaking, locking, and popping which were developed in the 1970s. What separates hip-hop dance from other forms of dance is that it is often freestyle in nature.

Students have enjoyed themselves during the lessons and have shown great skill in learning routines and performing them in gender groups to their peers. This week students continued learning their hip hop routine along with a partnered Jive Dance.  Students happily partnered with one another and enthusiastically learnt each routine.