Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Drug Use and Abuse

Drug use is a significant issue in our community and it is important that young people have opportunities to participate in timely and relevant drug education.

Effective health education and drug education incorporate a range of activities which provide students with relevant factual information, the opportunity to consider their attitudes and values and the values of others, and opportunities for students to enhance communication, decision-making and goal-setting skills. Drug education has the potential to equip students with the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to make informed decisions regarding their drug use behaviour.

Our Term Four Unit of Enquiry is titled ‘Drug Use and Abuse’.  We will be focusing our investigation primarily on the use and abuse of the following drugs, Caffeine, Smoking, Alcohol and Prescription Drugs. 

Students will have the opportunity to investigate each topic in many curriculum areas, but ultimately they will be asked to answer and report on a series of questions surrounding the above mentioned drug categories.  

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