Friday, November 11, 2011

Bouncing Back to Bullies

This term the students will be looking at two units in Health. The first will focus specifically on bullying and focus on the following:
  •   Types of bullying and the impact on individuals.
  •  Put downs are unacceptable
  • Students who bully and their future.
  • Responding to bullying and working together to stop such behaviours in our school.
  •  Bullying, sport and law
  • Scotch Colleges response to bullying

In the final weeks of the term the students will also be identifying their strengths as individuals and qualities that they bring to large and small groups. The strengths the students identify will then be linked to the character strengths presented by Professor Martin Seligman and Chris Peterson. The Year 6 students will further investigate these character strengths next year in the Middle School.

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