Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Building Positivity in Health

In Health lessons this term students will be working from the ‘Keeping Safe Curriculum’ and ‘Bounce Back’ resource. A key focus for the early part of the term will be on relationships and in particular power in relationships. Students will define what power in relationships is, and investigate characteristics that make people powerful, in both positive and negative ways. They will also discover how the abuse of power can impact on individuals and groups in society and have long lasting effects. Aspects such as guilt and contributing to abuse in relationships is touched upon, as are strategies to assist individuals if they feel a relationship they are involved is volatile.

Following this the students will be working from the ‘Bounce Back’ curriculum, written by well know experts in the field of Positive Psychology, Helen McGrath and Toni Noble. The topic of ‘Humour’ will be taught and within this the students will look at things that make us laugh, when and how often we laugh, positive aspects of laughter and specifically the impact it has on our bodies. Further to this, classes will discuss the use of positive humour, as a tool to help us cope with difficult situations encountered in life and a final lesson will be devoted to telling a joke correctly. 

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