Wednesday, August 17, 2011

National Science Week - React to Chemistry

School Science Fair. This event will be held on Monday 22nd August (Week 5) and has been designed to address the theme of ‘React to Chemistry’. The day will involve the three Year 6 classes presenting a range of safe and age appropriate chemistry based experiments and demonstrations to the other students in the school. Each class will have an allocated time frame of 40 minutes to explore the different workstations and will be involved in discovery-based learning.

To finish off this exciting day the students from Years 3 - 6 will be privileged to have a guest speaker, Mr Simon Lane, from ASC ship building. Simon is an engineer who has worked on the Air Warfare Destroyer program for 5 years. He will explain how science plays a crucial role in his position. Other activities that have been planned for National Science Week include; a daily whole school science quiz and a colouring in competition. There will be a range of prizes for these activities. 

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