Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The World of Narratives

Written Language is immersed in all curriculum areas, however, our focus during our literacy lesson is the Narrative genre.  Specifically, we will be exploring Myths, Legends, Fables and Fairy tales and the key language features found within each. 

Language features explicitly explored:
·       Direct and Indirect Speech
·       Spells, Charms, Incarnations, Curses
·       Alternatives for ‘said’
·       Similes
·       Symbols
·       Word intensity charts – characters and settings
·       Metaphors
·       Repetition
·       Alliteration
·       Connectives
·       Morals
·       Adverbials

When students have worked through the preliminary tasks they are ready to write their own Narrative.  Students are encouraged to choose from the above-mentioned Narrative Styles.  The language features listed above are the key components of the assessment rubric. 

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